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Refereed Academic Publications

  1. Lasfer, M., 1995, Ex-Day Price Behaviour: Tax or short-term Trading Effects. Journal of Finance 50, 875-897

  2. Lasfer, M., 1995, Agency Costs, Taxes and Debt: The UK Evidence European Financial Management 1, 265-85

  3. Lasfer, M., 1996, Taxes and Dividends: The UK Evidence. Journal of Banking and Finance 20, 455-472.

  4. Lasfer, M., S. Sudarsanam and R.J. Taffler 1996, Financial Distress, Asset Sales and Lender Monitoring Financial Management 25, 57-66.

  5. Lasfer, M., 1997, Scrip Dividends: The Management's View, European Financial Management 3, 237-49.

  6. Lasfer, M, 1997, On the Motivation for Paying Scrip Dividends Financial Management 26, 62-80.

  7. Lasfer, M. and M. Levis, 1998, The determinants of the leasing decision of small and large companies European Financial Management 4, 159-184.

  8. Faccio M. and M. Lasfer, 2000, Do Occupational Pension Funds Monitor Companies in which they Hold Large Stakes? Journal of Corporate Finance, 6, 71-110.

  9. Lasfer, M., A. Melnik and D. Thomas, 2003, Short-term Reaction of Stock Markets in Stressful circumstances. Journal of Banking and Finance, 27, 1959-1977

  10. Lasfer, M., 2004, On the Monitoring Role of the Board of Directors. Advances in Financial Economics, 9, 289-328

  11. Ersoy-Bozcuk, A. and M. Lasfer, 2005, The trading behaviour of UK institutional investors. Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 40, 3, 621-644

  12. Lasfer, M., 2006, The inter-relationship between managerial ownership and board structure. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 33, (7 and 8) 1006-1033,  Sept/ Oct, 2006

  13. Lasfer, M., 2006, Discussion of separation of ownership from control and acquiring firm performance: The case of family ownership in Canada, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 33(3) & (4), 544–549, April/May 2006

  14. Gajewski, J-F., E. Ginglinger, and M. Lasfer, 2007, Why do companies include warrants in SEOs: The case of French unit offerings, Journal of Corporate Finance 13, 25–42

  15. Lasfer, M., 2007, On the Financial Drivers and Implications of Leasing Real Estate Assets – The Donaldsons-Lasfer’s Curve, Journal of Corporate Real Estate 9, 2, 72-96 (lead article).

  16. Ersoy-Bozcuk, A. and M. Lasfer, 2008, Changes in Block Ownership in the London Stock Exchange, International Journal of Business 3(1) 85-99 

  17. Lasfer, M., 2008, Taxes and Ex-day Returns: Evidence from Germany and the UK, National Tax Journal, 61, No 4, Part 1 December, 721-742.

  18. Korczak, Adriana, Piotr Korczak and Meziane Lasfer, 2010, To trade or not to trade: The strategic trading of insiders around news announcements, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 367-407.

  19. Hahn, P. and M. Lasfer, 2011, Non-executive (outside) director compensation: Rationale, form, and findings, Journal of Management and Governance 15(4), 589-601.

  20. Adaoglu, C. and M. A. Lasfer, 2011, The Market Valuation of Bonus Issues in a Closely Held Market, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 38(5-6), 601–627, June/July.

  21. Lasfer, M., S. Lin and G. Muradoglu, 2012, Optimism in Foreign Investors, Review of Behavioral Finance, 4 (1) 8 – 27 (Lead article)

  22. Alzahrani, M. and M. Lasfer, 2012, Investor protection, taxes and dividends: International evidence, Journal of Corporate Finance, 18 745–762.

  23. Kashefi-Poor, Eilnaz and Meziane Lasfer, 2013, Why Do Companies Delist Voluntarily from the Stock Market? Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, 4850-4860

  24. Hoque, Hafiz, and Meziane Lasfer, 2015, Director’s trading and the long-run performance of IPOs European Financial Management 21, 1, 178–204

  25. Andriosopoulos, Dimitris, and Meziane Lasfer, 2015, The Market Valuation of Repurchases in Europe, Journal of Banking and Finance, 55, 327-339

  26. Boubaker, Sabri, Imen Derouiche, and Meziane Lasfer, 2015, Geographic location, excess control rights, and cash holdings, International Review of Financial Analysis 42, 24-37.

  27. Hahn, Peter D, and Meziane Lasfer, 2016, Impact of Foreign Directors on Board Meeting Frequency, International Review of Financial Analysis, 46, 295-308

  28. Kashefi-Poor, Eilnaz and Meziane Lasfer, 2019, Taxes, Governance, and Debt Maturity Structure: International Evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 58, 136–161

  29. Bruyland, Evy, Meziane Lasfer, Wouter De Maeseneire, and Wei Song, 2019, The Performance of Acquisitions by High Default Risk Bidders. Journal of Banking and Finance, 101, 37-58.

  30. Golubov, Andrey, Meziane Lasfer, and Valeriya Vitkova, 2019, Active catering to dividend clienteles: Evidence from takeovers. Journal of Financial Economics, 137, 815-836

  31. Chen, Jie, Meziane Lasfer, Wei Song, and Si Zhou, 2019, Recession managers and mutual fund performance, Journal of Corporate Finance, 69,


Current Research and Working papers under review

  1. Boubaker, Sabri, Dimitrios Gounopoulos, and Meziane Lasfer, 2016, Does firms’ location explain IPO first-day returns?

  2. Lasfer, Meziane and Natalia Matanova, 2014, Why do PE and VC Firms Retain Ownership after the Initial Public Offering?

  3. Lasfer, Meziane and Natalia Matanova, 2014, Are Corporate Policies Affected by Continued Presence of PE and VC In­vestors Post-IPO?

  4. Hoque, Hafiz, and Meziane Lasfer, 2012, Changes in Director Ownership  in Lockup Periods

  5. Ma, Tao and Meziane Lasfer, 2012, Why do IPOs start paying dividends

  6. Ma, Tao and Meziane Lasfer, 2012, The Catering Theory of Dividends Across the World

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